Verse 1
It came upon the midnight clear
That glorious song of old
From angels bending near the earth
To touch their harps of gold
Peace on the earth, goodwill to men
From heaven's all gracious King
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing
Verse 2
Still through the cloven skies they come
With peaceful wings unfurled
And still their heavenly music floats
O’er all the weary world
Above it’s sad and lowly plains
They bend on hovering wing
And ever o’er its Babel sounds
The blessed angels sing
Verse 3
And ye beneath life's crushing load
Whose forms are bending low
Who toil along the climbing way
With painful steps and slow
Look now for glad and golden hours
Come swiftly on the wing
O rest beside the weary road
And hear the angels sing
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CCLI Song # 4740052
Edmund Hamilton Sears | Michael Phillips
© Words: Public Domain
Music: 2004 The Sacred Music Press (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI Licence # 90435